In Memory of Nelson Mandela

●Dec 6, 2013 SGI President's Comment on Passing of Former South African President Nelson Mandela

《In Memory of Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)》
I extend my heartfelt condolences upon the passing of former South African President Nelson Mandela.
Mr. Mandela was a lion of humanitarian causes and human rights who inspired hope and courage in the hearts of those around the world victimized by conflict, racism and injustice.
His smile was like a refreshing spring breeze. To know that I will never see that smile again fills my heart with grief. I am convinced that his unwavering and passionate stance calling for a world that respects the dignity of all people will eternally shine as a guiding star for humankind.
He was a great man whose vision penetrated the core of injustice, through which both the oppressed and the oppressors were deprived of their humanity. He stated: "I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination." I believe it was the strength of his lofty character that enabled him to realize a new era of harmony.
Mr. Mandela, more than anyone, loved young people and valued the power of education. He was focused on these concerns above all when I met him for the first time in 1990 in Tokyo, soon after his release from prison, and again when we met in 1995.
He once said, "[My country's] greatest wealth is its people, finer and truer than the purest diamonds." With his words in my heart, I am determined to further develop a solidarity of the people, working together with the youth who will shoulder the future, to construct a century of peace and creative coexistence.
Daisaku Ikeda, Soka Gakkai International President

【南ア・マンデラ元大統領が逝去 池田大作SGI会長が弔電】
 SGI会長とは出獄から8カ月後の90年10月と大統領就任後の95年7月の2度、東京で会見するなど深い親交を続けてきた。SGI会長は氏に長編詩「人道の旗 正義の道」を献呈。また、創価大学から「名誉博士号」が授与されている。
   (聖教新聞 2013-12-07)
