
Daily Encouragement

2013年7月1日(月)更新:3 ●The important thing is to advance brightly and strive to be victorious at each moment, right where we are; to begin something here and now instead of fretting and worrying over what will happen. This is the startin…


2013年7月1日(月)更新:2 ●It is not how you compare to others that is important, but rather how you compare to who you were yesterday. If you’ve advanced even one step, then you’ve achieved something great. Daisaku Ikeda●There are no greate…

Daily Encouragement

2013年7月1日(月)更新:1 ●In the "Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings," Nichiren says, "One should regard meeting obstacles as true peace and comfort" (Gosho Zenshu, p. 750). You may wonder how encountering obstacles could be a sourc…

Human Revolution

2013年6月27日(木)更新:4 ●Our lives inherently possess a boundless energy. Summoning this forth, we can break through the shell of the small self that constrains our lives. The process of revolutionizing our own lives and helping others to…

Daily Encouragement

2013年6月27日(木)更新:3 ●In a world where indifference and inhumanity prevail, let us use our discussion meetings as the pivot for creating oases of peace and harmony in our homes and in our local communities and then extending them to en…


2013年6月27日(木)更新:2 ●The more knowledge one gains, the more important becomes the question of what that knowledge will be used for. Knowledge without wisdom and philosophy produces nothing more than talented beasts. Daisaku Ikeda●Fost…

Daily Encouragement

2013年6月27日(木)更新:1 ●This spirit of engaging others in dialogue on equal terms is the essence of Buddhism. Ordering people about in a high-handed, arrogant manner, shouting at them to do one's bidding, is truly deplorable behavior. Su…


2013年6月25日(火)更新:2 ●Where can we find happiness? Happiness is not found in a tranquil life free of storms and tempests. Real happiness is found in the struggles we undergo to realize our goals, in our efforts to move forward. Daisaku…

Daily Encouragement

2013年6月25日(火)更新:1 ●We live in an age where opportunities for profound life-to-life inspiration are all but nonexistent. Idle amusements bring only fleeting pleasure. They produce neither profound inspiration nor growth for one's lif…


2013年6月24日(月)更新:3 ●Hardships make us strong. Problems give birth to wisdom. Sorrows cultivate compassion. Those who have suffered the most will become the happiest. Daisaku Ikeda●If a person is hungry, we should give them bread. Whe…

Daily Encouragement

2013年6月24日(月)更新:2 ●You must be strong. There is no hope of winning in this chaotic world if you are weak. No matter what others do or say, it is important to develop your ability and then put that ability to use. Strong faith, of co…


2013年6月24日(月)更新:1 【名誉会長と共に今日も広布へ〈25〉】 わが創価の友は、広宣流布ひとすじに、元気に奮闘されている。私は、「ご苦労さま!」「ありがとう!」と、一人一人を心から讃え、ねぎらって差し上げたい気持ちでいっぱいである。 世のた…


2013年6月23日(日)更新:2 ●Even places that have been shrouded in darkness for billions of years can be illuminated. Even a stone from the bottom of a river can be used to produce fire. Our present sufferings, no matter how dark, have certa…

Daily Encouragement

2013年6月23日(日)更新:1 ●Jesse Owens, who won four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, later remarked that one's inner life is the true Olympics. Life itself is an Olympics where we strive each day to better our own personal records.…


2013年6月22日(土)更新:3 ●Our personality doesn’t determine our happiness or unhappiness, rather it is the substance of how we’ve lived our lives that decides. Daisaku Ikeda●What matters is what you put into a friendship, not what you get …

Daily Encouragement

2013年6月22日(土)更新:2 ●It's foolish to be obsessed with past failures. And it's just as foolish to be self-satisfied with one's small achievements. Buddhism teaches that the present and the future are what are important, not the past. I…


2013年6月22日(土)更新:1 【御書とともに2〈5〉名誉会長が指針を贈る】 法華経を信じ候事(そうろうこと)は一閻浮提第一の聖人なり、其の名は十方の浄土にきこえぬ、定めて天地もしりぬらん・日蓮が弟子となのらせ給はば・いかなる悪鬼なりともよもしら…


2013年6月21日(金)更新:2 ●People who live a life of tenacity and challenge break through all the obstacles they face just as water eventually carves a path through rock. Be strong like constantly flowing water, ever moving forward. Daisaku…

Daily Encouragement

2013年6月21日(金)更新:1 ●When you devote your life to achieving your goal, you will not be bothered by shallow criticism. In fact nothing important can be accomplished if you allow yourself to be swayed by some trifling matter, always loo…

Life Potential

2013年6月20日(木)更新:2 ●Buddhism teaches that nothing happens by chance. Everything has meaning. Please be convinced that your inner life is already endowed with everything you need. No matter how difficult your situation may be, you are…

Daily Encouragement

2013年6月20日(木)更新:1 ●Your faith guarantees that an infinite number of your ancestors and descendants will attain Buddhahood. Such is the wondrous power of the Mystic Law. How profound and important is your existence! There is also no …

Human Relationships

2013年6月19日(水)更新:2 ●It is this time and this place that matter--not some other time or place. What matters is here and now--the people here and now. Daisaku Ikeda●What decides our real merit as human beings? Ultimately, it comes down…

Daily Encouragement

2013年6月19日(水)更新:1 ●I hope that you will lead immortal, invincible and joyous lives, filled with confidence, pride and good cheer. I also hope you will display inspiring leadership, while doing your utmost to protect your respective …

Cause & Effect

2013年6月18日(火)更新:2 ●There’s no need for us to be held back by the past or how things have been so far. The important thing is what seeds we are sowing now for the future. Daisaku Ikeda

Daily Encouragement

2013年6月18日(火)更新:1 ●The great American poet Walt Whitman writes in Leaves of Grass: "All comes by the body, only health puts you rapport with the universe." I am sure you are all very busy, but I hope you will advance in good health …


2013年6月17日(月)更新:3 【御書とともに 2〈4〉名誉会長が指針を贈る】 日蓮生れし時より・いまに一日片時も・こころやすき事はなし、此の法華経の題目を弘めんと思うばかりなり (上野殿御返事、1558ページ)〈通解〉 日蓮は、生まれた時から今に至…


2013年6月17日(月)更新:2 ●Nonviolence is the highest form of humility; it is supreme courage. Daisaku Ikeda●To feel gratitude to one’s parents sounds like a trivial thing, but this is the mark of true maturity and growth as a human being. …

Daily Encouragement

2013年6月17日(月)更新:1 ●How exhilarating it is to stand tall, walk with a buoyant step and be flexible in one's actions! How attractive to those we meet are our sparkling eyes and vibrant voices! This is the principle of the true entity …

Health & Illness

2013年6月16日(日)更新:6 ●Human life is indeed wondrous. You may be ill physically, but as long as your spirit is strong, it most certainly will exert a positive influence on your body. There may be no better remedy than hope. Daisaku Iked…

Daily Encouragement

2013年6月16日(日)更新:5 ●One of my favorite Argentine poets, the great educator Almafuerte (1854-1917), wrote: "To the weak, difficulty is a closed door. To the strong, however, it is a door waiting to be opened." Difficulties impede the …