

2013年9月28日(土)更新:3 【御書とともに 2〈12〉名誉会長が指針を贈る】 だんな(檀那)と師とをもひあわぬいの(祈)りは水の上に火をた(焚)くがごとし (四条金吾殿御返事、1151ページ)〈通解〉 檀那(弟子)と師匠とが心を同じくしない祈りは、水の上で火を…


2013年9月28日(土)更新:2 ●The human spirit is the strongest force there is. As long as our spirit remains unbroken, there is no defeat. In life, spiritual defeat always precedes actual defeat. Guard against laziness, cowardice, carelessnes…

Daily Encouragement

2013年9月28日(土)更新:1 ●Faith means making a hundred percent effort ourselves--in our daimoku and in our actions. When we practice in this way, the Buddhist gods will lend us their protection. We mustn't have a complacent, dependent atti…


2013年9月27日(金)更新:2 ●The struggle between happiness and unhappiness is the story of human existence. The struggle between peace and war is the history of the human race. The power that leads us to eternal victory amid these struggles …

Daily Encouragement

2013年9月27日(金)更新:1 ●Pioneering takes steady dedicated effort; it is advancing surely one step at a time. True Buddhist practice lies in such activities as visiting members, giving personal encouragement, talking to our friends about …


2013年9月26日(木)更新:2 ●It would be pointless for a plum blossom to try to remake itself as a cherry blossom, no matter how deeply the plum yearns to do so. The plum is happiest when it blooms as itself in full glory. How much of the col…

Daily Encouragement

2013年9月26日(木)更新:1 ●Our voice costs nothing and it is our strongest weapon. Nichiren wrote, "Do not spare your voice" (Gosho Zenshu, p. 726). There are different voices for different situations: the clear, resounding voice that decla…

Human Relationships

2013年9月25日(水)更新:2 ●Just as a spring breeze awakens tender new shoots of green, sincere encouragement can thaw a frozen heart and instill courage. It is the most powerful means to rejuvenate the human spirit. Daisaku Ikeda●Make today…

Daily Encouragement

2013年9月25日(水)更新:1 ●Everything ultimately depends on whether there is someone who is willing to wage a desperate all-out struggle, someone who will take one hundred percent responsibility without relying on or leaving things to other…


2013年9月15日(日)更新:2 ●The biggest obstacles to our progress exist within our own lives in the form of cowardice and the tendency to give up. Breaking through these barriers will unleash a surging wave of change. Daisaku Ikeda●It’s impo…

Daily Encouragement

2013年9月15日(日)更新:1 ●I hope you members of the youth division will, in the spirit of Shijo Kingo, advance with Nichiren and also with Mr. Makiguchi, Mr. Toda and myself. This spirit of joint struggle shared by mentor and disciple is t…


2013年9月11日(水)更新:2 ●People shouldn’t hesitate to exert their all, in a way true to themselves. How can you possibly ever know how far or fast you can go if you’ve never run all-out? To give up even before you’ve tried is actually arr…

Daily Encouragement

2013年9月11日(水)更新:1 ●Nothing can match the strength of those whose lives have been shaped and forged through challenging and overcoming hardships. Such people fear nothing. The purpose of our Buddhist practice is to develop such stren…

Human Revolution

2013年9月10日(火)更新:2 ●Our lives inherently possess a boundless energy. Summoning this forth, we can break through the shell of the small self that constrains our lives. The process of revolutionizing our own lives and helping others to…

Daily Encouragement

2013年9月10日(火)更新:1 ●Youth means to cherish hope; it is a time of development. Youth means to challenge oneself; it is a time of construction. Youth means to fight for justice; it is a time of action.Daisaku Ikeda


2013年9月9日(月)更新:2 ●Life is a constant battle against deadlock. As long as we are alive, as long as we continue challenging ourselves, we are bound to come up against difficult obstacles that need to be overcome. If life were all smoo…

Daily Encouragement

2013年9月9日(月)更新:1 ●Rather than sitting around idly and rusting, we must act, give of ourselves and contribute something to the world. The French scholar Robert Arnauld (1588-1674) declared, "Have we not all eternity to rest in?" Why …


2013年9月8日(日)更新:2 ●Where can we find happiness? Happiness is not found in a tranquil life free of storms and tempests. Real happiness is found in the struggles we undergo to realize our goals, in our efforts to move forward. Daisaku …

Daily Encouragement

2013年9月8日(日)更新:1 ●Without opposition there is no growth. It is hard to argue with that logic. A state in which we are free from problems or constraints is not happiness. Happiness is transcending all opposition and obstacles and con…


2013年9月7日(土)更新:2 ●The two wheels that carry dialogue forward are a belief that everyone possesses goodness within, and a spirit of unflagging determination to tap and draw out that goodness. Daisaku Ikeda●I believe friendship is the…

Daily Encouragement

2013年9月7日(土)更新:1 ●Freedom doesn't mean an absence of all restrictions. It means possessing unshakable conviction in the face of any obstacle. This is true freedom.Daisaku Ikeda


2013年9月6日(金)更新:4 【わが友に贈る】 徹して一人を大切に! 何か悩みはないか。 行き詰まっていないか。 心のアンテナを強く張り 温かな激励の言葉を! (聖教新聞 2013-09-06、以下も) 【寸鉄】 ●SGI青年研修会が開始(スタート) 60カ国の若き英雄…


2013年9月6日(金)更新:3 【名字の言】 長崎の原爆遺構(いこう)が先月、国の文化財に登録された。城山小学校(旧・城山国民学校)にある被爆校舎など4件。広島の原爆ドーム以来の登録である▼被爆校舎には、原爆の熱線による凄まじい焦げ跡が残る。爆心地か…


2013年9月6日(金)更新:2 ●Those who always have a sense of appreciation and gratitude never reach an impasse in life. Daisaku Ikeda●There’s no need to rush or compare yourself to others. Just confidently follow your own unique path, in your…

Daily Encouragement

2013年9月6日(金)更新:1 ●We often hear people say they aren't capable. But this is a defeatist attitude. If you feel you aren't capable, then tap into the great reservoir of potential that lies inside you. Since we embrace Nichiren Buddhis…


2013年9月5日(木)更新:3 【わが友に贈る】 リーダーは 御書を拝して励ましを! 「必ず宿命転換できる」 その確信と勇気の炎を わが同志の心に! (聖教新聞 2013-09-05、以下も) 【寸鉄】 ●創大に中央教育棟が誕生 未来を開く俊英よ! 人類貢献の大城で学び…


2013年9月5日(木)更新:2 ●Relative happiness is happiness that depends on things outside ourselves, such as affluence or social standing. While the happiness such things bring us is certainly real, it shatters easily when external condition…

Daily Encouragement

2013年9月5日(木)更新:1 ●Young people in school should make study their first priority. It goes without saying that faith is important, but faith is something we practice throughout our entire lives. There is a certain period and age when …


2013年9月4日(水)更新:4 【韓国釜山広域市沙上区から池田大作SGI会長夫妻に特別顕彰】 ●韓国・釜山広域市の沙上(ササン)区から、池田大作SGI(創価学会インタナショナル)会長夫妻に「特別顕彰牌」が贈られた。世界の平和と人々の幸福のための尽力を…

学ばずは卑し 日々挑戦を!

2013年9月4日(水)更新:3 【学園抄 創立者とともに 第8回 勉学第一の校風】 ●「『学ばずは卑し』だよ」創立者は常に、勉学の大切さを学園生に語る。 ●「いつも申し上げているように、学業は最も大切な基本です。2学期も本格的に挑戦をお願いしたい」 夏は…