Global Citizenship

●I can declare with confidence that each of you who bravely exerts yourself in doing Gakkai activities and taking leadership for kosen-rufu, calmly overcoming every obstacle along the way, will enjoy immeasurable benefit. I can state with certitude too that each of you is in perfect accord with Nichiren's spirit. Your efforts win his unrestrained applause and approval. Daisaku Ikeda

●The problems confronting humankind are daunting in their depth and complexity. While it may be hard to see where to begin--or how--we must never give in to cynicism or paralysis. We must each initiate action in the direction we believe to be right. We must refuse the temptation to passively accommodate ourselves to present realities and embark upon the challenge of creating a new reality. Daisaku Ikeda

●Life contains the capacity, like flames that reach toward heaven, to transform suffering and pain into the energy of creation. Daisaku Ikeda